Post Digital Culture Studio Led by Nancy Mauro-Flude 2018 Digital Media Programme, School of Design, College of Design and Social Context, RMIT University
Monday 22 October 12noon - 3pm
our Internet Black Market
Do bring a gold coin or something to barter
Thank you to Despoinas Media Coven for their support
At the Internet Black Market our cabinet of 21C design curiosities observed a ravenous cyborg falling from Earth, a non-computerised collaborative software sculpture drop box - we unraveled economic asymmetry via the feminist Loot Boxes, bared witness to the revered Reddit Apple Lady performing machinations. Became wrapped up in a digital detox disappearing act. While ghosting and flying drones to soothe our online shopping whims, a carnivalesque lucky drone dip. Revelations from tarot card readings were divined from the ABC Fact checker. We ate some prince phishing spam with an internet folklore potato side salad, with fresh Instagram likes for our desert…